Cool Way to Relieve Stress

Modern life is full of problems, plus living expenses that accumulate, making the stressed and depressed. If allowed to be psychologically disturbing. But there are many ways to relieve stress, for example:
1. Set breath. Take a deep breath in – in and exhale slowly, concentrating on your diaphragm movement. Do two or three times, until starting to feel in control.
2. Relieve tension. If you’re sitting, stand up and do a soft perenggangan. Hand and arm movements alternately, and lift the shoulders and make your body feel relaxed.
3. Moving. Do brisk walking, although only the road – the road around the room or bathroom. It was useful to help blood flow. Moving on a regular basis can also help burn the negative effects of stress hormones.




Pahamilah untuk  semua…..
Assallamuallaikum wr wb….
Istilah pacaran tidak bisa lepas dari remaja, karena salah satu ciri
remaja yang menonjol adalah rasa senang kepada lawan jenis disertai
keinginan untuk memiliki. Pada masa ini, seorang remaja biasanya
mulai “naksir” lawan jenisnya. Lalu ia berupaya melakukan pendekatan
untuk mendapatkan kesempatan mengungkapkan isi hatinya. Setelah
pendekatannya berhasil dan gayung bersambut, lalu keduanya mulai

Pacaran dapat diartikan bermacam-macam, tetapi intinya adalah
jalinan cinta antara seorang remaja dengan lawan jenisnya. Praktik
pacaran juga bermacam-macam, ada yang sekedar berkirim surat,
telepon, menjemput, mengantar atau menemani pergi ke suatu tempat,
apel, sampai ada yang layaknya pasangan suami istri.


Forever Friend

Sometimes in life
you find a special friend
Someone who changes your life
just by being part of it.

Someone who makes you laugh
until you can’t stop
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you
that there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.
This is Forever Friendship.
